Monday, 2 April 2012

The Best Laid Plans.....

Well I got blind sided by work which has but the breaks on my fitness drive. A month without a proper day off has left me without much energy to run etc.

I have got in the sea a couple of times with mixed results. The good news is there are fish around and I got my first Mullet of the year, which went down a treat barbecued in foil with lemon, line, chilli and soy sauce. Sunshine and fresh fish!

On the down side, on the few shallow dives I tried I got terrible pain in my teeth, probably from sinus blockage or possibly tooth squeeze, a bit of googling informs me that sinus pain can often feel like tooth pain.. A trip to the dentist / doctors may be in order I will see how my next dive goes. I might try some decongestants and see if that makes any difference.

In the meantime I have put together a best of compilation of some of my spear fishing footage. I hope you enjoy it.